Today we had our 14 week checkup with our nurse midwives. There are four of them in the office and so far I've been very pleased. They are all very nice women and seem to be Christian women as well. Now don't get too scared by the name "midwife", I won't be giving birth at home. They actually operate out of a hospital in Fort Worth and operate under the supervision of a Doctor (which is actually who referred me to them). We got to hear the heartbeat again today (very cool!!) and she said things were going great. We will go every month until the last month, then every week from there out. Our next sonogram will be at 20 weeks (about mid-July) where we'll get to find out what "flavor" we get :~)
I've definitely begun to grow. I spent last weekend taking all the clothes out of my closet that I can no longer wear (~90% of them) and replacing them with a set that should stick with me for at least another month or so. I was quite lucky to have a mother-in-law that recently closed a used kids clothing store down and let me raid her unsold maternity clothes. It didn't totally outfit me but sure got me a good ways along. Now that my closet is revamped, I'm better now that I don't have to spend 20 minutes trying on clothes before work to find something that'll "work" for that day!
Finally, several people have asked about my growing self, so here is a snapshot of the time gone by so far.
8 wks 3 days:

9 wks 7 days:

11 wks 1 day:

13 wks 2 days:

14 wks 2 days:

Angela :-)