So technically, we are 9 weeks away from a new birthday in the family. I’m definitely starting to get bigger and notice.
Changes I’ve noticed in the last couple of weeks:
• I definitely cannot see my feet – in fact shaving my legs and tying my shoes are becoming rather difficult tasks
• My belly gets in the way when I try to wash dishes now
• When I squat or kneel down, there’s not quite enough room for my belly (and baby girl usually lets me know with a stiff kick!)
• Getting comfy at night is now getting difficult
• She’s apparently a night owl (she always seems super active when I wake up during the night – which in turn means I don’t always get to go back to sleep like I so wish I could!)
• I can actually feel different body parts – head, legs, back – which is just really weird and cool at the same time
• I feel pregnant all the time – I know this sounds weird. But before about 30 weeks there were times in the day when I got wrapped up in what I was doing and since my figure didn’t get in my way or distract me, I would almost forget I was pregnant. Now, between the flutters, kicks and protruding belly, there is always some sort of reminder.
So what is going on in baby-world these days? Well, she is getting close to her birth length. In fact my handy dandy phone app says she could be up to 19 inches long! She’s also becoming quite the chunker, weighing in somewhere between 3 and 4 pounds. Wow! Her big job in the next few weeks is to pack on the pounds. She is accumulating fat under her skin to keep her nice and cozy warm when she is born.
Anyway, that is about it as far as how we’re doing. We started our every two week appointments last week (it was every month) and so far, the nurses still say everything is looking great. I’ve been so extremely blessed to have such an easy pregnancy (thank you God!!) and with only 9 weeks left, I hope to keep it that way!
Now I’ll leave with a few pictures over the last few weeks…..
25 weeks 1 day (August 15)
29 weeks 2 days(September 13)
31 weeks 1 day (September 26) –
These are taken in the newly painted baby’s room. The pictures didn’t come out too well, but you can at least see the color we chose. Oddly, the pictures looked fine on the camera when we took them….