So a few weeks ago, I was doing laundry like a good little wife, when a loud, obnoxious, and somewhat frightening noise began singing from the washing machine. I reloaded the clothes to make sure it was properly balanced, I did a lighter load to make sure it was not me just trying to stuff it silly. Nevertheless, the noise was there and getting worse.
So, I searched the internet and found we probably had a blown bearing. We took the thing apart to fix it....the parts, after all, would be only a fraction of the price, and we are do-it-yourselfers, for the most part. Well, we took it apart (I should say Mark did), and found out it was more than a bad bearing. The major structural member in the washing machine was two places! And better yet, after researching, apparently, our 7 years with the washer was much longer than the 4-5 years average of most people. It was a design flaw that is held under warranty, but only if you pay the $200-$300 to have a professional Sears guy do the work! Well, we had the thing taken apart already, so we just went ahead and bought the parts to do the work.

So here's a pic of the before and after.....if you look, the grubby three legged piece on the right-hand washer is broken on two of the three legs.

Here's the new washer. Ain't it purty? We now have an aircraft grade washing machine....if there is such a thing. The not so bright engineer at Sears decided to use untreated aluminum/iron metal for a structural piece that is submerged in water and suds on every wash. So, we did what any good airplane builder would do....we alodined and primed it!! Should last more than 7 years we are hoping....I'll get back with you on that status in a while ;)

Anyway, here it is all put back together. Mark is checking for leaks and making sure it works OK before buttoning it back up. After one minor leak that was fixed, it's good to go! I'm on my second load of the night.....I never thought I would be so happy to be able to do laundry!!
I made him good dinners and lunches for the week while he was gettin' 'er I didn't completely slack, but I'm so thankful I have a hubby who can do this kind of stuff! Thanks babe!!
Yay for handy brother in laws!! :) Love you guys!!!
I am cracking up at the alodined and primed washing machine parts. Will you do my old aluminum canoe?
Great story Angela. You and Mark are so beyond IMPRESSIVE. You should be poster people for a "green, recycle,repair-it-yourself lifestyle. Are you going to send this to Sears to make them aware of their shoddy engineering practices? You probably would end up on "Dateline", ha. Love you both
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