On Saturday we went to Niagara Falls, about a half an hour away from Buffalo. You can see the falls from both the American and Canadians sides, but we went to the Canadian side since I think you get a better view.

You can actually see the mist from the falls before you can ever seen the actual falls.

Here's a picture of Niagara Falls with the people walking alongside the river and falls.

One of the things you can do is take a boat ride up by the Niagara Falls. The water was quite cold, as well as the air itself (Mark bought a windbreaker and we both got hats for the weekend!). One of these summer days maybe I'll venture up there :)

This is actually a picture at the top of Niagara Falls. Without seeing what is past, you don't have an idea what lies ahead. That's a lot of water going over the edge too!

Because of the mist, there is pretty much always a rainbow if the sun is up. Makes for pretty pictures...

This is the waterfall on the American side. So we are standing in Canada looking over at New York.

Here's us :) Here you can see both the Niagara Falls and the American Falls.

Then, on Sunday, we went down to Letchworth State Park that was referred to me by one of the guys working at the company I was visiting. Excellent reference by the way!!
This was the first of four beautiful waterfalls along the river running through this park. If you look up to the right you will see someone standing on that hill. Yes, that valley was pretty darn deep!

This was the second of the waterfalls. If you look on the left hand side of the picture you can actually see some people standing on the other side looking at the waterfall. It was BIG!

And here we are where those people in the previous picture are standing...now looking at the waterfall. Wow. This thing was big! And georgeous! And loud.

Walking along the trail up to the third waterfall there was a huge overhanging rock. There's Mark standing on it....pondering......

And here I am at the waterfall :)

And here we are walking up to the last waterfall.

Us :~)

After we got through walking through and seeing the waterfalls, we drove through the rest of the park. This park was quite large! The river that has the waterfalls winds a long long way through New York and through this park and one of the roads winds along the river. With all the color in the trees it was absolutely beautiful!

The end of a long but very enjoyable day!!