This past spring, I promised myself that if I could keep up with watering and weeding of my existing garden, my gift to myself would be permission to build an improved garden. I love to garden but I've always been bad about not watering and letting stuff die. Well, everything in the garden lived through the summer, and thrived, so I designed a new garden layout and went to it. This design works a lot better -- it will be easier to plant and harvest and weed. So I'm excited.
Here's a picture showing the original garden and the outline of the new garden. We started back in September. I got to harvest my first sweet potatoes while digging up the original garden...yum!

I did the design, but Mark was nice enough to provide quite a bit of help. He cut all the wood as I asked him to and made some real purty gates. And he told me one day as we were working....."I'm actually having fun!" Cool babe!

And here, several months later, the garden is finally complete. We finished over Christmas break. Plenty of time to plan for the spring garden. I'm looking forward to it :)

Of course, I had to plant *something* so I have lettuce, swiss chard, radishes and some other cool crops planted.

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