Today, after I let her practice her grabbing techniques from yesterday, we layed on a blanket and practiced rolling over. She is getting awefully close! She had a ball just rolling from her back to her side and then having Mommy push her over to her tummy. Then rolling from her tummy to her side and having Mommy push her over to her back. One time, all I did for the whole roll from tummy to back was reposition her hand. Those darned hands and arms just get in the way when rolling over!
The other really cool thing about this weekend, or actually more just about how she is evolving, is that the more intense play and learning is giving way to much better naps. YAY for naps!!! She has never been a great napper, but here in the last week, she has actually been taking some longer (1-2 hour) naps at her Grandmothers - when I'm at work - and she has been going down easy for a long (2-3 hour) nap at home with me.
Well, it is 4 hours since I started writing this post and now 8 pm. My how time slips by with a kid. I know I said no pictures for today but I did download two pictures from this morning that I'll post tonight.
Here is Kara showing off her standing abilities with Daddy's help.
And here is her 4 month picture with the dancer bear.

Here is Kara with the same bear a month and a half ago. You can tell she is growing!
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