Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Standing Kara

OK, it's been more than a month since I posted so I'll put one out here just quick.  Kara will be 6 months in less than 2 days.....Wow!  Time is flying!  She has been so much fun though :)  She is rolling over, although once she gets on her tummy, she's not interested in rolling back over.  She will stay on her tummy for an hour just moving around.  She has started scooting backwards and tries to put her knees under her but she isn't crawling yet.  I figure that is still a few weeks away.

The thing that has taken her attention the last few days is standing.  She has been putting weight on her feet for months now, probably since about two months, maybe earlier.  Then for the last month or two she has been playing in the exercauser, getting better over time on standing on her own.  This last week, I've introduced the little play table that she stands at.  She LOVES it.  In fact, sitting really is not of interest right now.  When I help her up from her back and try to get her to sit, she stiffens her legs and won't sit.  And she gets mad if I try and 'help' her sit down.  So we've been standing next to the play table lately.  In only a few days she went from a wobbly girl you can't hardly let go of to a fearless little girl who will now take her hand away, and frequently "practices" new things.  Oh, and she has no fear.  She falls and barely cries, if at all.  Usually she just gets back up to do it again.  I'm just trying to enjoy her immobility while it is here!  Because I don't think it will be for long!

Here is a short video from the other night while she was standing at the table - her new favorite toy.

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