Thursday, October 11, 2012

Life Lately - Part 1

OK, it's been a while I know.  I just don't find time to sit down and write very often.  So before I lose this opportunity, I'm just gonna jump into what the last few months have held!

First, we've taken several trips - some long and some longer.  Kara had her first airplane trip to Florida and her first road trip to Arkansas.  Then she had her second road trip, which was a 12 hour (no stops) trip to Alabama and her third trip for the weekend down to Houston.  What a trouper she is!

Here she is in the airport waiting on our plane to leave.

She slept the entire way on the airplane, which we appreciated since we were quite tired ourselves, except she woke up for the final approach on landing in Florida.

 For the plane ride home she was wide awake and crawling all over both of us but equally as good, although a bundle full of energy for sure!

Kara loves the water and so while we were out there we got to swim in my Mom's pool... well as get her first ocean experience!

Kara also got to meet some of my family for the first time...

More to come later...

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