Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1/2 Marathon Training - Day 8

Today was a reality check... It was "only" a mile, but it hurt. I was breathing hard in the first qtr mile, so I tried slowing down my pace. It helped but it was still a tough day. Angela didn't join me this morning... and rightfully so. She had her first soccer game of the fall season last night so she got her running in last night ;-)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Date Night & 1/2 Marathon Training - Day 6

Last night Angela & I decided to just stay in, grill on the patio, and relax... It was a wonderful night! This was the first weekend we'd been home in a while and we took full advantage of it. We were joking about how lazy we looked... it was awesome!

Sunday we awoke to another training day... we tried to squeeze the run in before church... I say tried, because I wasn't exactly feeling up to a run this morning (nothing to do with last night ;-) I finally decided it was time to just do it so we went just in time. I told Angela before we started not to expect me to maintain the same pace we did last time since we're doing 1.5miles today... I wanted to run the whole way, and I felt like I barely made it last time. So, after we set off, I noticed Angela was breathing a bit harder than last time. Didn't think much of it (forgot about the fact she gave blood only a little over a day before!)... then I noticed she wasn't pulling away from me like she has every other time. About a mile into it, she slowed to a walk... I wanted to... I REALLY did, but I didn't (we agreed when we started this not to hold each other up which is why I've gotten used to falling behind). I felt like I was running a slower pace than the last time, but I stuck with it. Angela picked it back up as well. I had these visions she was re-energized and was going to pass me (wouldn't surprise me at all!) Anyway, when all was said and done, I finished in 14min, 20 sec... What? I had to check my watcha again... yep, 14min 20 sec. Oh wow! I told her to expect a slower pace, and instead I actually set a quicker pace on a longer run -- a little over a 9 and a half minute mile... whoops! My bad :-) Now I don't expect that every time -- heck... probably never happen again, but I can definitely say the best part about it is it's encouraging...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Half-Marathon Training - Day 4

I could tell immediately Angela set a quicker pace today... I'm getting used to seeing her in front of me :-) She didn't quite finish as stong as the previous days, but she forced me to pick up my pace noticeably. The result was almost a 10min mile. Nice!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Half-Marathon Training - Day 3

Ok... took 3 days, but yeah, I'm hijacking this blog... Angela's doing the Facebook thing so I don't think she'll mind.

This morning was our second 1.0mi run. Didn't get a time though... apparently the GPS shut off sometime in route, so who knows. I know it was quicker though, even if only by a little. I was sore before hand so wasn't sure if it would be. Turned out OK I think.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Half Marathon Anyone?

So I'm thinking I may hijack this blog from Angela ;-)

Today we started our half marathon training. Yeah, we (maybe just me, we'll see since Angela will be involved with soccer) decided to do the Fayetteville half marathon in December. Should be fun... will definitely be a challenge especially since the longest distance I've run was a 10K.

Anyway we both ran a mile this morning in a blistering 11:00 minutes... Let the training Begin!
