Friday, April 22, 2011

Warrior Dash

So after Angela, Keith & I finished the Fayetteville 1/2 Marathon back in Dec 2010, Keith would periodically send suggestions for future runs. One of the ones he suggested was the Warrior Dash. After checking up on it a bit I knew I had to do it! I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of running. Running an obstacle course though... that's a different story! The Warrior Dash is a 3-1/4 mi course of numerous obstacles connected with short runs between each... almost makes the runs feel worthwhile :-) So I signed up! It took place last weekend 4/16 & 17, and me and a friend from work signed up for one of the waves on Sunday.

They start a limited number of people every 30 minutes all throughout both days... This is mainly due to the obstacles since they slow everyone down. You see, it turns out that 14,000 people ran this thing over the course of 2 days... if all those people were trying to go through each obstacle at the same time... well, lets just say the wait time would be uninspiring :-(

All in all, we had a BLAST! We got dirty! And I wore a video camera, and got some really cool shots! I plan to upload video in the next couple of days... for now, here are a few pictures... Oh... there are prizes for the best costume so some people dressed for the occasion ;-)

The friend I ran with from work, Gwen, is in front of me in this picture... Good pic going over the fire! I'm behind shooting video!

The last obstacle on the course is a mud pit that you're forced to crawl through due to barbed wire being suspended only a few feet overhead! After that, it's a short dash to the finish line!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Whoops... Cowtown 10K... DONE!

Was scanning the old blog tonight and noticed I never published the results of our 10K efforts... my bad! We did it! Yea for us! Results can be found here (put our name in the field at the top). Keith finished in 1hr 1min 19sec, Angela and I ran it together this time and we finish in 1hr 6min 34 sec (and that was with a stop at one of the port-a-johns along the way :-) you know... 10Ks are more my style!