Sunday, September 26, 2010

1/2 Marathon Training - Day 34

Time for our first 3 miler :-) Angela was up for it (ok... as much as a motivated type person that hates running can be up for it!) I wasn't... In other words, pretty typical! It's been suggested that on longer runs water should be consumed about every 20min so we decided to put some dixie cups out on our mail box, and then run 2 laps around our 1.5mile course. This way we could get a little water halfway through without having to carry it. turned out pretty well... after the first mile and a half we dropped to a walk, downed the water, tossed the cups in the yard and continued on... felt like real runners ;-) Things went pretty well. Angela stuck with me up until about 2.5mile then she dropped to a walk for just a short distance. I picked it up with about 1/3mile to go and had a good finish. End result M-31min 30sec (10:30mile), A-32min 20sec (10:47mile)

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